Monday, 18 February 2013

Shahbagh movement bloggers mockery of Allah (SWT) and Muhammad(PBUH) unveils the real motive behind their war crime demands

It has become quite apparent that the qualm of many of the bloggers behind the recent Shahbagh protests is not really the war crimes but rather Islam. Many of these bloggers have written blasphemous remarks against Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (PBUH) in various social networking sights and blogs revealing their true identity.   

The recently murdered blogger Rajib Haider’s (known as Thaba Baba) anti-Islamic blogs have caused a great deal of sturr online. He mocks Islam,  Allah (SWT) and Muhammad (PBUH) in the vilest terms in many of his writings including the ones entitled ‘Wine and Mohammak’  and the ‘Hira Cave’. In his writings he mocks the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and distorts his name to Muhammak (Nauzubillah). He talks in the most derogatory terms against the pious wives of the Prophet. Many of these comments cannot be mentioned in this page due to the disturbing nature of it. He even managed to draw a distorted cartoon picture of Muhammad (PBUH) on his blog.

His widely publicised killing raised a lot of interest in his blog and once people went on it and saw the content they were outraged. Seeing the public backlash the Shahbagh bloggers started backtracking saying his blog had been hijacked and the content was not his. They have now closed down the blog to avoid further backlash. However Thaba Baba’s  writings can still be found in where it clear shows his intolerance and mockery towards Islam. 
Another of the well known Shahbagh bloggers Asif Mohiuddin writes in his blog against God. He mentions (translated): “Shame, the Allah loving people were feeding drugs to Allah and now you are making Allah do S*** ?”............ Just because he is Allah is he not a human being? Shame” (Nauzubillah)

Another blogger named Biplob who is also a leading figure in Shabagh writes in the name ‘Allama Shaytan’ on Facebook. He writes on 1st July 2010: “The religion that is followed by the rajakars I urinate upon that religion”

Ibrahim Khalil is another blogger and one of the organisers of the Shahbagh movement who goes by the name of ‘Sobak Pakhi’ in facebook makes many derogatory comments on Allah (SWT). Much of this cannot be mentioned in a civilised language. Some of his comments that we have edited for the purpose of civility are as follows:
 “If God wants to kill anyone, he likes to kill the poor”. 
He also says “As God was born for the benefit of the rulers, therefore God is directly the enemy of the poor”

Arifur Rahman a British based blogger and a leader of the International Crimes Strategy Forum(ICSF) who is also campaigning for the hanging of some of the accused, comments on Allah (SWT): “I believe that Allah is a creation of Muhammad. When Muhammad used to hallucinate he used to think that Jibrael has come, therefore he created the story of Allah and created the religion and gave the name Izlam. This is the real story of Allah”

Tamanna Jhumu another blogger of Shahbagh writes:
“By the grace of Allah Allama Sayedee is in jail as a prisoner. Very soon he will be hanged. Will Allah save him by coming down from the seven heavens.?”  Another blogger replies to this: “if Allah comes he will be hanged too.” (Nauzubillah)
You can find more about them on their respective blogs but also on where the name of the game is mocking Islam, Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (PBUH).


  1. It is completely unacceptable to write against anyone's faith. Freedom of speech doesn't cover this.The language that have been used in dhormockery is an evidence of its being a production of some scraps and mental disordered people. Somebody needs to stop this web page.

    1. I totally agree with you. Unfortunately they are the ones leading the Shahbag protests, without Police interference, whilst in the last week alone 15 people of the opposition were killed, just trying to bring out a procession.

    2. Please don't be fool by these kind of nasty propaganda in the name of religion against "Shahbagh Protest". These neo Islamist are following the same tactics during 1971. They are nothing but parasites.

  2. Please don't be fool by these kind of nasty propaganda in the name of religion against "Shahbagh Protest". These neo Islamist are following the same tactics during 1971. They are nothing but pareasites.

    1. You are the parasite, you filthy secularist rodent.

  3. All Jamaat-Shibir and their followers neo islamist group must go to Pakistan(Fuckistan) or Saudi Arabia(origin of Islam) to practiced their religious blindness with a prehistoric belief………..

    1. Go and live in the West you secularist scumbag, that's where your beloved secularism originated.
